We know we’re living in uncertain times with the rise of COVID-19 cases rendering everyone – especially small businesses – helpless. A lucky few are still striving to keep their operations up and running to serve the public but for most, it has been a difficult few weeks. 

We may not have a definite answer to the bigger problems faced by entrepreneurs today but we can help shed light on an effective solution to keep your business afloat in the midst of this pandemic: social media marketing

Despite strict rules for everyone to stay at home, businesses can still stay connected to their customers online. According to a study published by Facebook, time spent on their social media platforms – including Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp – has increased by 70% since the start of the crisis. This goes to show that more people are spending time online to consume news, stay connected with friends, and find other means of entertainment. 

This is also the best time to keep your brand relevant. 

We came up with two key points on how social media marketing can help your brand survive in the midst of this global crisis.

Adapt to the new norm Best practices are changing day-by-day with the influx of new COVID-19 information affecting how business owners manage their brands and market their products. At a time like this, listening to your customers and adapting to the current situation are crucial. 

Pay attention to what your customers are saying on social media, learn to address the gaps in your services, and adjust them accordingly to serve your audience better. This can mean making your products more accessible to everyone who is stuck at home or it can mean offering special discounts to your products. 

Give value to your social media platform to generate leads The nationwide lockdown pushes people to spend more time online. Use this as an opportunity to improve your brand’s visibility, to expand your reach, and tap a new market. 

In order to generate new leads on social media, be consistent with posting branded content that is relevant to your audience and provides organic value. Promoting your products or services through lifestyle content like videos, takeovers, or carousel posts will help extend your influence and improve your audience engagement. Keep in mind that your social media strategy must always account for your customers’ current stay- at-home situation. 

It’s understandable that some business owners will have a difficult time adjusting to the new norm, but hopefully with these key points, brands will be able to strive in the midst of a global pandemic.